Augmented reality (AR) as a concept was first coined and developed in the early 1990s. One of the pioneers in this field was Tom Caudell, a researcher at Boeing, who used the term "augmented reality" to describe a digital display system he created to assist aircraft assembly. However, the roots of AR can be traced back further to the work of Ivan Sutherland, who is often credited with creating the first head-mounted display system in the 1960s, though his work was more aligned with the broader field of computer graphics and human-computer interaction.
The term "augmented reality" gained prominence in the 1990s with the work of researchers like Louis Rosenberg, who developed one of the earliest AR systems called Virtual Fixtures. Another significant milestone was the creation of the ARToolKit by Hirokazu Kato in 1999, an open-source tracking library that enabled developers to create AR applications more easily.
Since then, AR technology has evolved significantly, with the development of AR software frameworks, improvements in hardware capabilities, and widespread adoption in various industries, including gaming, education, healthcare, and retail. Today, AR continues to advance rapidly, with ongoing research and innovation driving its growth and integration into everyday life.
التقشير الكيميائي يستخدم لتقشير طبقات الجلد العليا وتحسين مظهر البشرة. يمكن أن يساعد في تقليل سبب تشقق القدمين حب الشباب من خلال إزالة الخلايا الميتة والزيوت الزائدة من سطح الجلد.