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High dosage of prednisone is likely to cause some side effects as mentioned below: Studies found that the use of corticosteroids during pregnancy moderately increases the risk of cleft lip (7)(8)and a higher risk of gestational diabetes, the risk of having an open heart or cardiac rhythm defects
Prediabetic women should avoid using diuretics (water) for the first 7 to 10 days of pregnancy, steroid burst for low back pain.
Fertility (5) Predisactin, the prednisone analogue found in prednisone, seems to have effects on sperm parameters, short steroid cycles examples.
In women with hypogonadism, a progestin-only birth control (Plan B) is recommended to prevent pregnancies before the end of the first trimester
Progestin-only oral contraceptives appear to prevent uterine blood loss (9)
Dietary restrictions (10)(11)(12) and supplementation (13)(14)(15) can decrease the risk of adverse effects of prednisone. However, additional studies are needed to fully determine the risk of birth defects from the use of prednisone
If pregnant or breastfeeding, low-dose prednisone administration during pregnancy and breastfeeding seems to be associated with an increased risk of stillbirth, postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) and intrauterine fetal death due to haemorrhage (16)
Pretreatment of hyperthyroidism with steroids (estrogen and progestin) can increase the risk of pregnancy and may affect the fetus.
Progestin-only birth control can cause liver damage, so caution should be exercised if pregnant, 5-day dosage prednisone.
Moral aspects and potential risks of taking prednisone during pregnancy:
Prevention of hyperthyroidism is recommended until 10-14 days of pregnancy.
Studies have linked prednisone to adverse pregnancy outcomes, prednisone burst and taper.
Prevention of heart disease
Use of prednisone as anti-hypertensive is not considered a proven preventive measure and has not been rigorously evaluated.
In high-risk groups such as women with heart disease, the risks of heart defects from high use of prednisone after the first trimester are uncertain, 5-day prednisone dosage.
Use of prednisone by hypothyroid women, and women in whom prednisone was prescribed for hyperthyroidism before the first trimester may have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)
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Taurine is an amino acid that is the precursor to amino acids. It helps increase the absorption of amino acids in the intestines.
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Taurine is an amino acid that is a precursor to insulin and is the most important energy molecule in the body.
Taurine is also a precursor to a group of proteins called T4 proteins that help the body produce energy
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This cyclo will boost fat burning. Very effective at increasing your energy as well as the ability to store fat, steroid burst vs taper.
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